Category Archives: Active Pages

Music Theatre

To access the complete  Part 12: Music Theatre Section   extract from Prospectus 2022– 2023, login to the secure NESA Online Entry platform. If not registered yet, you will be able to do so now. Login HERE Important: A higher fee is charged for HARD COPY entries! Why not register and enter online? To access the complete Part 12: Music Theatre Section extract…

Register / Login

Registration is FREE of charge. Click HERE for help Entries for the 22nd National Eisteddfod Young Performer Awards Competition will open in January 2025 . Entries for the 12th NEA Young Artist Competition will also on early in 2025! WHY REGISTER? Only registered institutions and individuals have access to the Prospectus of the National Eisteddfod…

Participation Requirements

All participants should take note of the following requirements regarding their participation in the National Eisteddfod of South Africa. All details of participation (date, time and venue) were published ONLINE. As communicated earlier on, the attached copies of participant slips are now ONLY distributed to institutions / individuals that spesifically requested it on their registration…

Where and when must I submit my art work?

SUBMISSION OF ART WORK Please take note of the following administration procedures for the entering, submission and adjudication of creative art. ● Entries can be submitted ONLINE or in hard copy format on the ENTRY FORM FOR INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES. ● Important: Please note that it is cheaper to enter ONLINE. Hard copy entries (on entry…