Frequently asked questions:
FAQ’s – Summary of Help files
- When is the closing date for live / virtual performance entries?
- When is the closing date for video recorded entries?
- When is the closing date for visual arts entries?
- What is the deadline for submitting visual art?
- What is the deadline for submitting video entries?
- How to register online
- How to login online
- How to submit an online entry
- How to add a new participant
- How do I search for a participant online?
- How to update an existing participant
- How to update an individual profile
- How do I add / update the name of a participant’s school?
- How do I add / update the name of the trainer/studio for a specific item?
- How do I enter a small group item?
- How do I enter a large group item?
- How do I replace a participant in an individual item?
- How do I replace a participant in an ensemble or small group item?
- How do I change the name name of a medium or large group item?
- What is an “Online Profile” and what is it used for?
- What is the “Billing Account”?
- What are the differences between live, virtual and video recorded performances?
- Where do I find the entry fees and rules for the National Eisteddfod?
- Where do I find the National Eisteddfod of South Africa Prospectus for the current year
- Where do I find the entry forms for the current year
- Where do I find the entry forms for Video entries?
- Where to I find more information about video entries and how to submit videos for adjudication?
- Where do I find the banking details of the National Eisteddfod Academy?