How to change a group name or to replace a participant in an individual, ensemble or small group item.
Use your login details to logon to the MAIN MENU page.

Click on UPDATE /ADD Entries 2020
Click on the DISPLAY /EDIT All Entries / Payment Reference / Trainer button on the MAIN ENTRIES page.
On the ALL ENTRIES page, all entries and the names of the participants that have been submitted on your billing account, will be displayed as follows:
Individual entries: Name and Surname of the participant, followed by the details of the entry;
Ensemble and Small Group entries: Name and Surname of one of the participants in the ensemble / small group item, followed by ++ (this indicates an item that involves more than one participant).
Medium and Large group entries: The name of the group
How to replace a selected participant:
Individual entry:
To change the selected Myname Mysurname participant below, click on Myname Mysurname in the Group name or Participant column.

The Edit Individual Info page will be displayed.
*Hower over the blue DASH to the left of the Myname2 column until an icon is displayed (on my computer it displays a hand).
*The Participant Search to Replace page will be displayed

Select the new name that should replace the previous selection, e.g. Myname.
This new name will now replace the name that was previously selected.
REMEMBER to Click to Save
Ensemble / small group entry:
To change any of the names in the small group item (indicated by ++), click on e.g. Myname Mysurname++ in the Group name or Participant column.

The Edit Small Group Info page will be displayed
*Click Replace next to the name that you want to replace, e.g. Myname2.
*The Participant Search to Replace page will be displayed.
*Search for the new name to replace the previous selection, e.g. Mynametwo.
*Click Select nex to the new name, e.g. Mynametwo

The new name will now replace the previous selection, e.g.

Click to Save before you continue.
How to change a group name:
Medium / large group entry:
To change any of the name of the medium or large group entry, click on the name of the group in the Group name or Participant column, e.g. The Dream Choral verse group

The Edit Large/Medium Group Info page will be displayed.

*Change the name of the group or edit / update any of the Group item Profile information.
*Click to Save before you continue.
End of the “How to replace a participant in an ensemble or small group item” help file.